Monday, January 10, 2011

Everyone needs a vision board. Everyone.

Tonight, I sat at my desk with every intention of doing work.
Instead, I burned out my eyes "surfing the net".
2 hours later...
 I figured I should at least do something that will motivate me in the future to actually do something.

So, I made my vision board, something I have been wanting to do for a while.  It is a constant reminder of who I want to be and things I want to accomplish.  Here is a sample of what I want in my life (a trip to someplace tropical, the Broad Street Run, more yoga, a yard, graduating, and ultimately my own classroom and a new car to put my sticker on).
Now go find your own visions.


  • Anything that describes who you are/want to be/want to do: magazines, pictures, words, quotes, decorations, etc.
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Poster board
  • Motivation to be motivated
  • Optional: irrational desires, ex: my own cooking show.
Cut out what you want on your vision board.  Arrange them on your poster board and then glue accordingly.  Hang your thoughts somewhere you see everyday, over your desk, on the fridge, before you walk out the door, or your bedroom so it is the first thing you see when you wake up.

Inspiration: a need for inspiration. running in 33 degree weather.  Thanks a lot El Nino.

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